Total Forevermark Carat Weight refers to the carat weight of the inscribed Forevermark diamonds within that piece of jewelry.
Some designs may contain diamonds that are too small to be inscribed as Forevermark diamonds, therefore the carat weight of these smaller diamonds may be added to Total Forevermark Carat Weight to get the Total Carat Weight.
The standard 4C’s refer to a diamond’s Cut, Colour, Clarity and Carat weight. These help in the grading or assessment of the quality of the diamond in question, and as such play a part in the valuation of the stone too. At Forevermark we believe this is just the beginning and that there is much more to a diamond than just these four traits, we go beyond the 4Cs to ensure only the world’s most beautiful diamonds can become Forevermark.
Forevermark diamonds of 0.50 carat and above come with a grading report. The report contains detailed information on the diamond’s cut, clarity, colour and carat weight. You can download a PDF copy of your Grading Report after you have registered your diamond on our website.
Every Forevermark diamond is also accompanied by a Diamond ID Card, which includes verification of each diamond’s shape, carat weight and unique inscription number.