Love is found, built and honoured in the little things that we do every day. From making someone their coffee exactly how they like it, to being there for the people who need you without question, it’s paying attention to what matters every day.LOVE DOESN’T PRESUME, IT ACTS.The small things that we do every day build Forever and we shouldn’t just notice them, we should live them.
Share your #LiveAndLove moments with us today!
Love comes alive not just in the grand gestures but in the small everyday acts of love found in our daily lives. Now, more than ever, let’s come together and celebrate these little acts. Though often forgotten, they bring us together.
1. Do something for someone you love 2. Capture a photo of it as your reminder 3. Share it on Instagram using #LiveAndLove and tagging @Forevermark
Start today… Live And Love
“It is wonderful to be able to thank someone. I try not to take this for granted and to express how I am feeling by saying “thank you” to the ones that are dear to me. Likewise, I feel so happy when the ones who are dear to me also say “thank you”’Tsubasa @tucha_k
"To me creating daily rituals with my children is so important. These small everyday gestures build pillars of beautiful memories in which I will hold in my heart forever and I hope they do in theirs."Cara G @caragmcilroy
"Creating time for self-love is very important. I love to take long showers, put on fresh pyjamas, light up my favourite honeysuckle candle, and simply be for awhile. Do nothing at all, just be me. It’s one of the most therapeutic daily activities."Nupur @thelazyinsomniac
Live And Love Stories
Start your #21DaysofLove today
It takes 21 days to form a habit. What if that habit was for love? Take up the challenge to do something every day for someone you love, and share it with us and the world, by starting your own #21DaysofLove challenge.
Start your #21DaysofLove today
It takes 21 days to form a habit. What if that habit was love? Take up the challenge to do something every day for someone you love, and share it with us and the world, by starting your own #21DaysofLove challenge.
Start today… Live And Love
Do something each day for someone you love
Capture a photo of it as your reminder
Share it on Instagram using #21DaysofLove and #Forevermark
Start today… Live And Love
Love the collections
Whether it's for a special gift or a treat for yourself, discover the beautiful collection of Forevermark diamond jewellery. Browse through inspiring engagement rings, decorative bracelets and elaborate earrings, each designed to showcase the true beauty of a Forevermark diamond. *Collection designs are subject to availability.
Our attention to detail and careful selection process ensures each Forevermark diamond that we select is beautiful, rare and responsibly sourced. We believe what we do every day defines our forever.