Leah Baranov

Defining Forever

It took forever for the diamond to form in the first place, and hopefully the union it symbolises will be forever as well. This is where ‘A Diamond Is Forever’ came from, and it evokes a kind of eternal, on-going symbol for most people.

For gemologist Leah Baranov, from Premier Gem, working with diamonds is both her honour and passion. Here we explore what Forever means to her.

As part of a Forevermark diamond's incredible journey of discovery, it goes through a rigorous selection process, a process that Baranov is a vital part of. As part of Baranov’s role as a gemologist, she acts as quality control for diamonds, working closely with cutters to inspect and assess them to ensure that only the most beautiful diamonds can become Forevermark.  

Working with diamonds is special to Baranov as each and every diamond is different. Each diamond she inspects feels like something new to explore.  

What does ‘Forever’ mean to Leah Baranov?

Forever for Baranov is a diamond and what it represents. Nearly as old as the earth itself a diamond is set to last a lifetime and has become a world-renowned symbol of love. It’s the union it symbolises and the feeling that it evokes, a love that will last Forever.

We are proud to have worked in partnership with both Leah Baranov and Time Inc. in a video series, Beyond the Brilliance, that explores the role of diamonds in Baranov’s life and work, as well as why the diamond’s journey is extraordinary and why working with Forevermark diamonds is so rewarding. 

Now, Forever

We are believers in Forever. Through the twists and turns, the ups and downs, everyone goes on a different journey towards true love. Every step you take now, is a step towards your Forever.