The Standard 4Cs: Clarity
Clarity is the measure of a diamond's inclusions.
Minute features, called inclusions, appeared when the diamond formed in the earth’s mantle as it crystallized under intense heat and pressure, and are mostly invisible to the naked eye. The clarity grade a diamond is given is determined by the degree to which these natural features are visible at ten times magnification and the number, type, color, size and position of the features in the diamond.
Diamonds equal in weight, color and cut will vary greatly in price depending on their clarity features. The standard 4Cs grading system divides clarity into five distinct groups; Flawless (FL), Very Very Slightly Included (VVS), Very Slightly Included (VS), Slightly Included (SI) and Included (I). Forevermark diamonds are available from Flawless to Slightly Included (SI2), providing any inclusions do not interfere with the beauty of the diamond and our other beauty criteria are met.
The Standard 4Cs: Color
Forevermark inscribes diamonds from D to L as well as all fancy colors. In this scale, ‘colorless’ diamonds D, E, and F show so little difference that it takes an expert with sample diamonds of known grades to distinguish one from another.